Society of Finance, Economics and Business- IIT Bhubaneswar
The Society of Finance , Economics and Business presents to you its weekly quiz , COGNIFEBS. The details of the quiz are as follows:-
The domain of the quiz will be finance,economics and business.
There will be five multiple choice questions having a single answer ,to be chosen in 2 minutes.
The 2 minutes duration also includes time to fill in personal details.
For each correct answer, 4 marks will be awarded while 2 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer given.
The link to this week's quiz is Cognifebs . The quiz will be active every thursaday between 5 PM to 8 PM.
The names of the top five scorers will be shared in our social media handles.In case of a tie, time taken to submit the quiz will be considered. In case a tie happens again, the response that was submitted earlier will be considered.The quiz is open for all the students of IIT Bhubaneswar. We request you all to participate enthusiastically .